Sunday, February 6, 2011

T.V Land

It was a lazy Sunday and my kitty and I slept in all morning together which was great because my crappy job kinda cuts in on me and noodle time.

Anyways it's no secret that I am pretty miserable without my bros and I've been lacking in the creative outlet for some time now. I know I need to get out of this funk and I've been hearing it a millions time from everyone that things will look up, keep being positive, and/ or not to worry. As much as I appreciate the huge boost of confidence from everyone I care about I'm really just waiting for that moment where things just align in my mind and everything just turns on. I'm going to get a little nerdy when I say that me getting back into the groove of things is like When Vegeta finally turned into a super saiyan, it was when he stopped trying so hard to be what he wanted and just said fuck it! (well of course he didn't say that but it would have been really cool) it wasn't until he did that that the universe came full circle and he turned super saiyan.

I just need to do the same. I just need to stop trying so hard to be someone Im not yet..if that makes any sense?

Today the stress was trying to take over me again, and I found a little escape from it by watching T.V. It reminded me of when I was a kid and my whole life was spent in front of the television and nothing ever bothered me until I wasn't watching t.v anymore. It got the gears in my head moving because I wasn't sitting in silence with my own terrible thoughts or listening to my parents.

If anyone has some good shows to watch let me know, so far I want to get into Community because it's super funny.


  1. You can't force your mind to be creative, so best of luck to you finding your groove. It will show up eventually and be like "Shit, sorry I was late, bro."

    Community comes on at 8 on thursdays, on ABC or NBC. Google it, you'll find it.

    Then after that there are two shows (Perfect Couples, and Parks and Rec) That I don't like much, but you might want to give a look.

    Then it's The Office, 30 Rock, and Outsourced, which are all good shows, and they are all in the same line up. If you miss one they are all on the next day on Hulu. Try to watch Outsourced and remember that Charlie is the coolest character on that show.

    Aaron and I also watch Fringe which is one Fox, I think, Fridays around ... 9 or 10. Look these up on Google. Fringe is like X-Files in a way, so you might not know what's going on since you haven't been watching, but it's damn good, and Walter is adorable. If you wanna watch it let me know and I'll send you the plot so far.

  2. Oh, and there is a cool show called Face off; it's about making masks and stuff for movies and it's pretty cool. It's just like that show where they make cakes or clothes and get them judged.....but cooler because it's special effects make up. Don't remember when it's on though.

  3. Everything Jack said about your groove. lol.
    Just remember that nothing lasts forever, and that include the shitty confusing times in our lives! You're gonna be okay chick! Once the spark gets going, you'll find your center and ride the waves!
