Monday, January 17, 2011

Jersey Inspiration

I cannot wait for the snow to be gone and winter to roll out!

After I watch the Jersey Shore I can't get the thought of the beach out of my head. The sand and water and good times are so amazing. I can't wait to finally spend a decent summer weekend with all my bestest buddies.

I use to dread the beach even though it was one of my favorite spots. One being I was never in shape and two I was never with the right people. I was always with my family and they are uber boring. However this year I know is going to be great because I am trimming down and visualizing that black (or red) two piece and my shorts that use to fit many moons ago. I know this sounds like what I am going against the whole losing weight to look nice thing, but I have looked over many pictures of summers past and I am always hiding behind some one or something, ripping up a picture, or even just not being in any and looking like I was never there at all.

On top of the beach Kieran mentioned last summer about going to his family's vacation spot and we promised our selves this would be the year we would go and have a great time and looking great too. I see what I want to look like in the next 3 to 4 months and I can't wait!

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