Monday, January 10, 2011

Winning battles but not yet the War

The day came for me, like many other college graduates, to start paying back student loans. Technically because of failing final portfolio and taking it as my only class the next quarter it made me look like a part-time student which jump started my grace period a month in advance so whoopie!

I'm over it, but I had to spend almost 2 hours sorting out the mess with all this debt and turning a 1200 monthly payment into a 800 dollar payment. I have succeeded in this, but in return I saw the car I wanted, the apartment I wanted to live in, and the future I desiredslip through my hands like sand. While this set back doesn't make my goals impossible it does push them a lot more into the future and harder to attain, unless I somehow finally make my stork proud of me. I'll post the video of what that actually means.

WARNING: May cause you to feel extremely depressed but at the same time incredibly enlightened

That being said I was a little disappointed in spending so much time trying to sort out all this money issue because the whole day I was thinking of getting down to some stuff after getting home from work. I know there is still time but not as much as I wanted. I think the saddest part of talking to these loan people was when the woman told me I was obviously too poor to afford the full payments, but that I made slightly too much to be eligible for the economic hardship deferment plan, and only by a couple hundred bucks too. So here I am trapped in middle class limbo, where the poor are gnawing away at my hard earned taxes and the rich are blocking my path for a better future with their turds.

Here are the WINS I took some adult steps today in lowering the payments and actually understanding my situation. For a long time if I didn't know something I would just pass the task on a smarter person, but a goal is to finally be the smart person and finally start understanding how the world works, and further more understanding how the world can work for me! I am also proud to say that my financial decisions have proven to be a wise choice and I don't feel too worried about making these payments, and finally cleaning my credit card. After wiping my card clean I was debating on rewarding my self with a brand new ipod (as to continue building credit on my card rather than just never using it again) or just being happy to be debt-free somewhere. I still waiting for my big win, but once again that is something I cannot go into detail until I know the outcome. (updates, I promise)

A mini goal for this week is to finally post some art by this weekend and make it a routine!

1 comment:

  1. I have no advice because I'm in the exact same boat as you are right now. I have seen that stork video before, too, and it's pretty damn moving. Just keep heading forward; I know you can get through this!
