Thursday, January 6, 2011

Silver Side

Today was a good day, and I feel it's because of the change I am making. We all have good days but something was different about this day because there were times I wanted to be negative and think of a horrible situation that I know would never happen.

When these negative turds thoughts came up I would just take a deep breath and say to myself "No, I am not doing this anymore, just think happy thoughts." Just like that I felt a relief pass through me and and suddenly the day got a little bit better to deal with.

I received some good news that I won't spoil now and update the outcome of everything later.

One thing that happened today though that but my mood in medium level was my Dad giving me a lecture about trying not to be so negative, and nicer towards everyone in the household and just have a positive outlook on everything. I wanted to say "Uh, you're a couple days too late I realized this myself and I feel fine it's you guys that need to get on this too." But of course I didn't say that so I just let him talk. For some strange reason when he goes into these lectures or rants I get this over whelming feeling to cry because I never feel I am conversing but instead being talked at.

I'm happy to say that didn't happen this time I took it all in and just let it pass out because I know what I am doing now and how to handle my emotions better.

I'm sorry for keeping it short because I have so much more to write but I got a late start today so there will be much more tomorrow.

Progress Level I would say is at 10%!

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