Thursday, January 13, 2011

Roller Coaster Day

*Update Since Yesterday*
After going on my rant about my disdain for my Dad, part 2 of the madness happened this morning. He didn't get enough of his yelling done the day before so the 12 minute car ride to work was just him yelling twice as loud at me then yesterday. There I was thinking all this time why did that secretary get me into so much trouble, why couldn't she do her job and tell my boss and supervisor I called out? Turns out she did tell them and my Dad looked like an utter douchebag for humiliating me. The best part of the day was when he tried to apologize and I just turned my back on him and went back to work. Sick burn...sick burn.

I was very emotional in the morning and I hated life and my mother and I texted back and forth all day. Our texts consisted of her consoling me, and me threatening to move out. The minute I get more money even by a dollar more on my salary I will leave. I figured I can still achieve this goal of having a better relationship with my parents as long as I don't have to live with them.

As this long day was coming to an end things started to look a little brighter, I was feeling less miserable, and I felt my mood stabilizing. I am still a little upset, but I did some shopping, mostly for my kitty and I had a tall cold glass of ginger ale. It was one of life's simple pleasures and it made me feel that things were going to be ok after all.

The neighborhood cat really likes our house for some reason, probably because we built him a nice little bed, give him free food daily, and I bought him a catnip ball. I wish I could bring him in because he's too adorable, fluffy and friendly. But I can tell he's a casanova cat because he knows what houses will give him the goods, but that ok because I will always give a cat whatever it wants whenever it wants...they are my only weakness.

One of my material goals is to get a tattoo, no a SWEET ASS tattoo. It has to involve a cat and I have found some good ones, but I don't know where to put it because I have this whole thing where I want to get tattoos after I get married. However, I am definitely not going to be married by the end of the year so there's a bit of conflict going on.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way! Mine is going to be of my old cat Apollo, who my grandmother forced me to give away.....he was gorgeous. Pure white, green eyes....deaf. Special little guy. I cry about it...hard...from time to time. I wanna see when you get it!

    I have the same weakness. I carry a little ziplock bag of hardfood and paperplates in my car...just incase I spot a kitty in need :)

    Sorry to hear the issues with the parental units. It can be SO HARD. You keep truckin' and if you wanna move out when you're able, go for it. I know you can do it.

